So I know Audrey’s multiple double negatives sounds weird, was my original idea for the page to have him say something like your sentences are as badly formed as you are or something like that (memory is shit, so can’t remember the exact words and not sure if my sketch had it or was just in my head) I considered changing it to a more structurally sound line but kinda like it as is, think it fits the situation, sort of off the cuff and said without thought so is all bumbled.

Anyways, hope you are all liking the comic so far, please let me know what you think and what you’d like to see in these reboots. I am still forming it in my head with only things set in stone is eventual friendship/more with Zoe and ultimately finding her soulmate Eli (the fat guy from the original version). between now and then not sure exactly what I want to include, there was a whole idea back in the Audrey Adventures days of her having a crush on a female friend who rejects her and it ruins their friendship over her being weirded out by Audrey being interested, tonally it is a bit of a downer but considering I want to include the Secret Friends storyline with Zoe I think it could be good to show that Audrey fears giving into her feelings with Zoe because of how it wrecked her previous best friendship. Anyways, drawing like mad and have 19 pages done as of today now (and 8 of the Zoe reboot) Really enjoying this reboot and hope you all are too.